"I always consider my own flaws first. Gives me much better insight into why someone shouldn't like me and why I should accept them."
"To fly, we must first dream of wings."
Grant"Keep all options open. Including the window."
Grant"There are only so many people who make you smile. Make sure you make them laugh."
Grant"There is no shine brighter, nor beat stronger, than that of a smiling heart."
Grant"On the voyage of self discovery there are many ports to enjoy."
Grant"Why do optimists live on the sun? Because there's always a bright side."
Was talking to a girl after sailing and I said "You glow like a firefly in the forest," and she said, "you're like the bear that shat in the woods." #ItsFunBeingMe #SomewhatMadeUp
"When you can feel the wind you become the wind."
Grant"Why scull when you can savor?"
Grant"A few things I don't understand: overweight people who think they're beautiful and beautiful people who think they're overweight. Neither is always or probably right, and yet both *can* be beautiful. The inside is far more important than labels."
"A soft touch is better than a strong word."
“If we should shine, it is to light the path for others.” ~ Grant
"True gratitude is appreciating the offer of a gift not the gift itself."
Grant"The miracle is to believe in yourself."
Happy Father's Day to a dad who taught me that hard work has its rewards, but that family, love & respect are the greatest rewards of all. Love you.
Grant"Nothing tastes sweet with a sour attitude."
Grant"Up-side-down is just the right side up down. All about perspective."
Grant"Nothing is like a zero."
Grant"A short term memory is the best cure for failure."
Grant"A life loved is a love lived."
Grant"A lot of people say you should 'count your blessings'. I prefer to stand back, take a breath, and say 'there's more than enough'"