Three gifts you must give yourself often:
- Latitude to be yourself
- Solitude to be with yourself
- Gratitude for the uniqueness that is you
"I love that moment when you pull into the driveway at home, turn off the ignition and just sit. There are times this moment offers shelter, solace, or simply a welcome silence. For me... there is a restful peace knowing one journey has just ended and, as I open the car door, another has just begun."
Grant"Before lunch I'm not half the man I used to be. At midday there's a shadow hanging over me. Tomorrow I'll believe in yesterday. Still no clue why she had to go."
If Monday was an emotion, I'm feeling mondayish right now.
Grant"Do not skate to where the puck will be in football. It will not be there."
Grant"They say there's a calm before the storm, but I prefer to use the calm to avoid or avert the storm."
Grant"The best relationship is when neither of you are perfect and don't have to be."
Grant"If you can control your child, you must be doing something wrong."
Grantism"If you're feeling lost, it's easy to find yourself at the beach."
Grant"Lighthouses inspire us to belief that lives can be saved through awareness & action."
Grant"The future is rooted in the past, not defined by it."
Grant"The change you make today becomes the status quo until you change again."
Grant"Irrationality powers the impossible. It's only the rational mind that is limitless in possibilities."
Grant"Everything grows from optimism."
Grant"You cannot limit thought by limiting speech."
Grant"Better to inspire one person to change the world than a hundred to change a lightbulb."
Grant"Never forget the unforgettable people in your life, because they are the most difficult to forget and the most important to remember."
Grant"Gratitude turns the expected into an unexpected gift."
Grant"Moments happen. It's those who appreciate each who appreciate most."
Grant"Do not regret passion, for without it there is nothing to regret."
Grant"Some of the best compliments I ever got, I've never heard."
(Thank you)
GrantMake Ripples
“Our job is not to ride the wave, our job is to make the ripples that become waves.” (Chatting with my social media guy this morning)